Calabash Covenant Presbyterian Church

“Surely the Lord is in this place.” Gen 28:16

“A Place To Call Home!”

Join Us For Worship At 9:30 AM Sundays In Our Sanctuary.
Join us for discipleship classes at 10:30 AM on Sundays.   See our Ministries page for details of all discipleship offerings.    
    Our Vision: To empower our congregation, using the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, to make Kingdom impact.
Summer worship on the beach will return for Easter 2025 then Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends.


“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

1 PETER 4:10

There are several ways that you can give at Calabash Covenant.

Give In Person

To give in person at the beach place cash or a check made out to CCPC in any of the black collection boxes placed around the worship area.  To give in person at the church place cash or check made out to CCPC in any of the offering plates near any entrance to the sanctuary.

Give By Mail

Tithes and donations can always be mailed to the church. Mail a check made out to CCPC to Calabash Covenant Presbyterian Church 8820 Old Georgetown Road Sunset Beach, NC 28468.

Give Online

Giving online is simple and straightforward. Click the button below to go to our online giving portal, enter your amount, select either bank transfer or credit card charge, provide your information, and submit. Online giving may be used for one-time payments as well as recurring payments.

—  OR  —

Scan QR Code to Give


Text keyword GIVECCPC  $0.00 to 73256 to donate to CCPC using the message app on your smartphone.  Substitute the amount of your donation where the $0.00 is above.


Give Using Zelle

Log in to your online banking app and use Zelle to send your donation to

All donations received at the beach worship service (except designated funds) go to support our neighbors in need in Brunswick County.

To help in record keeping we ask that covenant partners include their current-year giving envelope number.

All donations for any purpose other than general operating fund must be clearly identified.

contact us


Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24)

4:00 PM Worship & Communion with livestream

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25)

  9:30 AM Hymn Sing with livestream

Wear Your Ugly Christmas Sweater

No Sunday School

New Year’s Eve (Saturday, December 31)

5:00 – 7:00 PM Drop-In Prayer & Communion

This service will NOT be livestreamed.

New Years Day (Sunday, January 1)

9:30 AM Worship with livestream

No Sunday School


CCPC Strategic Vision Video