“Surely the Lord is in this place.” Gen 28:16
Calabash Covenant Presbyterian Church
“Surely the Lord is in this place.” Gen 28:16
We will be starting the process for the call of our next installed pastor that God has chosen for us. We need to elect a Pastor Search Team. It is best to have a broad cross-section of the congregation and ministries represented. Therefore, those nominated should have a deep understanding of discipleship, be forward-thinking, missionally-minded, and knowledgeable of the 2021 Strategic Vision. They should also bear in mind CCPC’s history, values, and impact for Christ in our neighborhood. Persons serving should have space in their lives to pray and meet. To be the most effective, the team needs to have a mixture of spiritual gifts and a sense of call.
Our Nominating Committee will serve to identify, consider, pray about, and ultimately bring to the congregation a slate of nominees at a Called Congregational Meeting. A ballot of five or seven nominees will be needed for the Pastor Search Team. The slate of nominees will be provided to the congregation at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor provided the person being nominated has agreed to the nomination, and to serve, if elected.
Step one of the process is to gather suggestions from Covenant Partners to fill a variety of roles.
Please prayerfully suggest one or more, Covenant Partners in the following groups and why you think she/he would be effective to be on the Pastor Search Team.