02/23/2025 09:30 AM


SCRIPTURE – Psalm 34 : 1-10

SERMON               ”Learning to Cast Our Cares”

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Order of Worship

February 23, 2025                                                          9:30 AM

Our Vision:  To empower our congregation, using the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, to make Kingdom Impact


  PRELUDE                                         “Jesus Come, Our Friend”                                                                                                                                                                      

WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                     Pastor Dane


INTROIT                                           “Christ The Lord”                                Jubilation Choir           


*CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                                         

Leader:     Come, O children, listen to me. I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

People:    What man is there who desires life and loves many days, that he may see good?

Leader:     Turn away from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it.

People:    When God’s people cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

ALL:          The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.


*HYMN #630 (vv. 1,2 & 3)                   “What A Friend We Have in Jesus”




Merciful God, the concerns of this world distract our minds and deny our joy. Forgive us for relying on our own devices rather than your Holy Spirit. Empty our hearts of worry and fill them instead with your wisdom. Guide us in the way of faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ.







Hear the Good News! “The Lord redeems the life of his servants. None of those who take refuge in him will be condemned,” (Ps. 34:22). Know that by grace through faith, you are forgiven in Jesus Christ.


OFFERTORY/ANTHEM            “I Need Thee Every Hour”






SCRIPTURE PASSAGE          Psalm 34 : 1-10                                                          


SERMON                                “Learning to Cast Our Cares”       




*HYMN 692 (vv. 1 & 4)            “God Will Take Care of You




*BENEDICTION RESPONSE     “God Will Take Care of You”                   


*Please stand if able.


Friends, we welcome you to this time of worship, faith education and Christian fellowship. May the Word of God nourish you for your life and ministry in the days to come.


Prayer Course II, Unanswered Prayer, will begin on Sunday Mar 2, following the service. We will meet in the choir room. This 5-week, video-based, class includes selections from Peter Greig’s book “God on Mute”

We will cover topics like:

Wrestling with unanswered prayer.

How am I going to get through this; Why am I suffering.

Where is God in the silence. When will my prayers be answered.

If you would like to attend this class, please call the church office to sign up so we can prepare sufficient materials.



The Iron Sharpens Iron National Men’s Equipping Conference is a half-day event coming to Wilmington, NC Saturday, March 1. All men (age 13 and older) are welcome to attend. Keynote speakers, 16 different seminars, praise and worship. There is something for everyone. See the men in the Narthex after church today for more information. Join us for a great day!



All children are welcome in our worship services. We offer a staffed nursery during the 9:30am Worship Service and during Sunday School. Our nursery serves infants though age 6. 


NOW HIRING – part time assistant nursery caregiver. If you have experience in caregiving, love to help children learn about Jesus, and want to be a part of first-class care team, we want to speak with you!  For more information, please contact the church office.  

 If you would like private prayer today, we will be in the prayer room after the service

Football Fans – Fridays are football games at Loris. As usual, we will be operating the concession stand.  We will leave CVS parking lot at 5:00 pm.  Contact George Brandon 910-547-0525, gbrandonhaiti1@gmail.com if you would like to help.


TODAY                                          9:30 am                 Worship in Sanctuary

                                                  10:30 am                 Sunday School      

 MONDAY                                   10:00 am                  Women’s Bible study                           

TUESDAY                                   7:30 am                 Men’s breakfast

                                                    9:00 am                  Men’s Bible Study

                                                    9:00 am                  Crafters

                                                    3:00 pm                  Session

                                                    7:00 pm                  Men’s WebX               


THURSDAY                              10:00 am                 Card Ministry

                                                     5:30 pm                 Handbell Choir practice 

                                                     6:30 pm                 Jubilation Choir practice                     

FRIDAY                                     10:00 am                Random Readers

SATURDAY                              10:00 am                Prayer Gathering




I was born in Greensboro, NC. I met Mike and was married for 31 years. We moved to Sandpiper Bay in December 2020 and Mike passed away in September 2022. We had no children. I spent most of my career in mortgage banking and after retirement, I worked for our church as a bookkeeper. I’ve had several accomplishments: I served for the City of Greensboro, Commission on the Statue of Women, Board of Directors for Greensboro Historical Museum and NC Court Watch.I was president for Greensboro Lecture League, Wake Up Republican Women and Historical Museum Guild. I volunteered for Greensboro Historical Museum (docent and gift shop) and American Red Cross. I was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, United Daughters of the Confederacy, NC Society and Order of the Confederate Rose. I was recognized in the paper for my devoted service to the museum and community. My education consisted of the Foreign Study League (Italy & France), Ringling School of Art & Design and Massey-Draughn Business School. My hobbies are: Civil War, WWI, WWII Military History and Reading.

 Please pray for Kat by sending her a card, email or calling her on the phone. 821 Sandpiper Bay Dr SW, Sunset Beach, NC 28468-5801; katmike1229@gmail.com



 As we are all preparing for the Lenten Season the Fellowship Committee invites you to join other members of our church family on Shrove Tuesday, March 4, from 4:30 to 6:00 for a Pancake Supper. There will be no charge for supper, but we will be accepting donations to support our outreach ministry in Whiteville. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex. It is always great to know many to plan for.  Any questions, please contact Barbara Dresser barbara@dresser.cc

Worship services are available for your viewing @ calabash.church


 CCLI license #1715336                                            

 CCLI streaming license (plus) #2102908

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24)

4:00 PM Worship & Communion with livestream

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25)

  9:30 AM Hymn Sing with livestream

Wear Your Ugly Christmas Sweater

No Sunday School

New Year’s Eve (Saturday, December 31)

5:00 – 7:00 PM Drop-In Prayer & Communion

This service will NOT be livestreamed.

New Years Day (Sunday, January 1)

9:30 AM Worship with livestream

No Sunday School


CCPC Strategic Vision Video