01/19/2025 09:30 AM


SCRIPTURE –  Selections from Acts, Matthew and Jeremiah

SERMON               ”Praying Together”

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Order of Worship

January 19, 2025                                                          9:30 AM

Our Vision:  To empower our congregation, using the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, to make Kingdom Impact


 PRELUDE                                          “Te Deum”                                        M.A. Charpentier


WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                               Pastor Gloria


INTROIT                                           “I will Call Upon the Lord”                             


*CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                                         

Leader:     Dear Father, silence all voices in our minds but your own.

People:    Help us to seek and to follow your will.

Leader:     May our prayers be joined with our sisters and brothers in the faith.

People:     That together we may glorify your name and enjoy your fellowship forever.

ALL:          To the one true God be praise in all times and places through the grace of Jesus Christ. Amen.


*HYMN #640 (vv. 1&2)                    “Sweet Hour of Prayer”




Lord, teach us to love prayer. We often feel inadequate when we talk to You even knowing that we are invited to come to You with all our burdens and desires. We don’t know how to pray as You want us to, and we confess that we are often disappointed when You don’t answer our prayers as we wish. Teach us to trust You more and know that Your plans for us are always good. Fill us with faith that considers all things possible and believes You are a God who loves to give far beyond all that we ask or imagine.






All the prophets testify about Christ that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. Thanks be to God.


OFFERTORY/ANTHEM            “If My People Will Pray”                 George Brandon – solo                                                        







SCRIPTURE PASSAGE          Selection from Acts, Matthew and Jeremiah    

                                                                                                                         Pastor Gloria                                       


SERMON                                “Praying Together”


COMMUNION                                                                                                Pastor Dane




*HYMN #634(vv. 1 & 2)                 “More Love to Thee




*BENEDICTION RESPONSE             “Hear Our prayers, O Lord                         


*Please stand if able.



Welcome, dear family in Christ. May you sense the care and guidance of Father, Son and Holy Spirit during worship, faith education and Christian fellowship today.                                          

Today is Food Pantry Collection Sunday. Every third Sunday of the Month, we receive special offerings for the Local Food Pantries.


If you would like private prayer today, we will be in the prayer room after the service. 




All children are welcome in our worship services. We offer a staffed nursery during the 9:30am Worship Service and during Sunday School. Our nursery serves infants though age 6. 





TODAY                                         9:30 am                  Worship in Sanctuary

                                                  10:30 am                 Sunday School  

 MONDAY                                     10:00 am                 Women’s Bible study

                                                    12:00 pm                 Chatters

TUESDAY                                   7:30 am                 Men’s breakfast                                               9:00 am                                                                        Men’s Bible Study

                                                    9:00 am                  Crafters

                                                   3:00 pm                   Session

                                                    7:00 pm                  Men’s WebX               


THURSDAY                                5:30 pm                 Handbell Choir practice 

                                                     6:30 pm                 Jubilation Choir practice                     

FRIDAY                                    10:00 am                 Random Readers





CHATTERS will meet at noon, Monday, January 20, 2025, in Classroom 3.  All you need is your favorite brown bag lunch and beverage.  For additional information, please call Julie Adams, 910-579-1780; Gladys Lampe, 910-579-8431 or Ann Spooner, 910-579-5153.







 Scott and BJ Goodwin met in Chapel Hill, NC, in 1974. BJ grew up in Media, PA, and after finishing nursing school, traveled to North Carolina to work as a registered nurse. Scott grew up in Raleigh, NC and met BJ while working the nightshift at the hospital where she worked during his final year at UNC-Chapel. They married in 1975. Following a two-year visit to Philadelphia, PA, where Scott attended Westminster Theological Seminary, their son was born. They spent the next 20 years living in Wilson, Oxford and Hendersonville in North Carolina. Scott worked in hospital administration and BJ worked as a nurse, and they raised their son.  In 2002, they left the Tarheel state and traveled to New Hampshire to be closer to BJ’s brother. Their time in the north ended in 2015 when their son and his wife had triplets – two boys and a girl. They needed help with the babies and their two-year old son in Fayetteville, NC, where he was stationed in the Army. When their son retired from the military in 2020, both families decided to move together to Ocean Isle Beach and build houses on adjoining lots. Moving to OIB in 2021, BJ and Scott searched for a church in this area. They felt strongly that God was leading them to Calabash Covenant Presbyterian Church. They joined the church in 2024.

Please pray for BJ and Scott by sending them a card, email, or calling them: 6758 E Lindley Ln SW, Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469-4210; csgood123@gmail.com; (603) 721-9124.




We’re starting off 2025 with a Soup & Chili Potluck Dinner! Today it’s chilly outside, so that sounds awesome. Mark your calendar for Saturday, January 25th. There will be an Annual Meeting of Congregation and Corporation before we sit back to enjoy the soups / chili and spend time in fellowship with friends, old and new. The sign-ups start today in the Narthex. Don’t fret if soup or chili is not your favorite thing to make, there are other things to sign-up for. Looking forward to seeing you at this first dinner of the new year.


Worship services are available for our viewing @ calabash.church




  CCLI license #1715336                                                                                              CCLI streaming license (plus) #2102908

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24)

4:00 PM Worship & Communion with livestream

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25)

  9:30 AM Hymn Sing with livestream

Wear Your Ugly Christmas Sweater

No Sunday School

New Year’s Eve (Saturday, December 31)

5:00 – 7:00 PM Drop-In Prayer & Communion

This service will NOT be livestreamed.

New Years Day (Sunday, January 1)

9:30 AM Worship with livestream

No Sunday School


CCPC Strategic Vision Video