10/13/2024 09:30 AM

SCRIPTURE Matthew 13: 1-8; 18-23
SERMON               ”What Kind of Seed”

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Order of Worship

October 13, 2024                                                          9:30 AM

Our Vision:  To empower our congregation, using the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, to make Kingdom Impact




PRELUDE                                          “Celebration No. 5 in C”                                                    

                                                                                                                          Handbell Choir


WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                  Pastor Gloria




INTROIT                                          Canon of Grace”                                  Handbell Choir                   


*CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                                         Pastor Karen

Leader:     God scatters the seed of healing and hope and waits…

People:    Shallowness and fear claim the seeds and they cannot live.

Leader:     God scatters the seeds of redemption and peace and waits…

People:    These are the places of deep growth where the seed will put down strong roots.

ALL:          May our hearts be the rich soil in which God’s love takes root.



*HYMN #358       “Because He Lives”


  PRAYER OF CONFESSION                                                                         Pastor Annelle


  God, we come to you this day with so many things on our hearts and minds. Some events of the week were positive and have been celebrated but we also find ourselves with worries, doubts and fears. Slow us down, Lord. Forgive us when we allow negative thoughts to drown out Your word. Help us to be better disciples for You in this world.





Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Children of God, hear and believe the good news, in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.


 OFFERTORY/ANTHEM            “Headin’ for the Promised Land”            Lloyd Larson                                                                                    





  APPRECIATION OF LAY PASTORS                                                        Pastor Robson


SCRIPTURE PASSAGE          Matthew 13: 1-8; 18-23                                  Pastor Peg


SERMON                                “What Kind of Seed?”         




*HYMN #562 (vv. 1 & 2)         “Be Thou My Vision




*BENEDICTION RESPONSE       “Bind us Together”                                  


*Please stand if able.                                                                        


The handbells are playing in honor and remembrance of Karen Foley and to welcome our Brazilian family.


Beloved of Christ, welcome to worship, faith education and Christian fellowship this day. May you sense the embrace of God’s love through the people you interact with here.


The flowers today are given to the Glory of God in honor of the 48th wedding anniversary of Connie and Peyton Becton.




The Fellowship Potluck dinner will be held on Saturday, October 19th at 4:30 pm.  Join us for the last evening with our Brazilian family.  Sign up sheets are in the Narthex.


CROP HUNGER WALK – Four weeks from today, we will gather with others in our community to fight hunger both here and around the world. We need walkers and sponsors for the Shallotte/South Brunswick CROP Hunger Walk on November 3rd. Please contact Cyndi Shaw at 704-577-4277 or cyndishaw2021@gmail.com for more details and to sign up to be a walker or to sponsor a walker. All donation checks should be made payable to SBIC. Stop by the information table on your way out of church today if you have any questions or to sign up for the walk!


NURSERY NEWS. All children are welcome in our worship services.  We offer a staffed nursery during the 9:30am Worship Service and during Sunday School.  Our nursery serves infants though age 6. 


JOIN US TONIGHT for the fifth episode of Season 4’s “THE CHOSEN”!  Begins at 5:00 pm, Italian night in our Fellowship Hall.


LORIS SOCCERSaturday mornings.  We will leave the church at 8:00a.m.  Call George Brandon if you are interested, 910-547-0525.



Please note the green CCPC prayer cards in the pockets of your pews.These cards note several needs of our church for which we should pray for and about through the remainder of this year.Please take one and choose one or two items to pray over each week asking for the Lord’s guidance and blessings.


 Mark your calendars for: 


*Friday, October 18th is Trunk or Treat at Calabash Park.  Set-up by 4:30, kids from 5:00-7:00 pm.  We need individually wrapped candy donations, a couple decorated cars and people dressed up to pass out candy.

*Wednesday, October 23rd is Trunk or Treat at Sunset Beach Park.  Set-up by 4:30, kids from 5:00-6:30 pm.  We need to set up a Canopy or table that’s decorated along the “trail” (sidewalk) in the park, and people to pass out candy.

Please email Beth at dbdecima@gmail.com to volunteer for Trunk or Treat.


If you would like private prayer today, we will be in the prayer room after the service. 

Worship services are available for our viewing @ calabash.church




I was born in Virginia and moved to Durham, NC when I was ten years old. When I graduated from high school, I attended college at Atlantic Christian College (now known as Barton College). After graduating, I taught school in Rocky Mount, North Carolina for 3 years. In December of 1984, I moved to Brunswick County and have never left. As soon as the next school year began, I secured a teaching job in Horry County. I retired in 2021 after 40 years of teaching 4th grade. I have always been a Presbyterian and began searching for a church family after moving here. My dear neighbors, Archie and Ruth Farr, invited me to join them one Sunday. We met in the VFW for our services until we became an official church. I am proud to say that I am a charter member of Calabash Covenant Presbyterian Church.

In my early 40’s, I reconnected with my high school sweetheart. We were married in this church. My late husband, Durwood, also became a member of this church in 1997.

I thank God every night for the purpose He gave me in teaching, my family and friends and leading me to such a wonderful place to worship.


Please pray for Marsha by sending her a card, calling or email: 1043 Harbor Dr. Calabash, NC 28467-2302; (910) 612-2099; mhurst55@gmail.com 




TODAY                                        9:30 am       Worship in Sanctuary

                                                 10:30 am      Sunday School

                                                   6:00 pm       “The Chosen” – Fellowship Hall


TUESDAY                                  7:30 am      Men’s Breakfast – Sunny Side Up

                                                   9:00 am       Men’s Bible Study – Classroom 2

                                                   9:00 am       Crafters – Classroom 3

                                                 12:00 pm      Brazilian cooking

                                                   7:00 pm       Men’s WebX                                     


THURSDAY                             10:00 am     Art in Motion                        

                                                     5:30 pm      Handbell Choir practice

                                                     6:30 pm    Jubilation Choir practice

FRIDAY                                     10:30 am    Drive Through Prayer

1:30 pm     Special Prayer with our Brazilian family                               

SATURDAY                                4:30 pm     Fellowship Dinner


   CCLI license #1715336

CCLI streaming license (plus) #21029085   


Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24)

4:00 PM Worship & Communion with livestream

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25)

  9:30 AM Hymn Sing with livestream

Wear Your Ugly Christmas Sweater

No Sunday School

New Year’s Eve (Saturday, December 31)

5:00 – 7:00 PM Drop-In Prayer & Communion

This service will NOT be livestreamed.

New Years Day (Sunday, January 1)

9:30 AM Worship with livestream

No Sunday School


CCPC Strategic Vision Video